Whale Watching with Imagine Cruises

Captain Frank Future from Imagine Cruises at Nelson Bay began Whale Watching on the east coast of NSW in the mid 90’s. He had  been sailing the east coast since the middle 1970’s and had never seen a Humpback until he came to Point Stephens lighthouse in 1989 to caretake the old lightkeepers cottages for the NSW National Trust who had a lease from AMSA the Federal Government agency responsible for the light. It was then he started to see a few whales travelling north during winter.

Mother Whale with baby calf

Following the transition of the lighthouse from AMSA to the State Government, the NPWS decided Franks voluntary caretaking services were not required and unfortunately the empty lightkeepers cottages were soon vandalised and burned out. Frank returned the day after the fire, devastated by the loss of this unique building when suddenly two Humpback Whales leapt out of the water, breaching in unison right in front of the lighthouse. Frank was filled with a profound sense of awe and it was in that moment that Frank, who was formerly a boat builder, had the vision of constructing a vessel which was to become “Imagine” and embark on voyages with passengers to witness these amazing whales.

Along with the mighty Humpbacks, these winter/ spring voyages also take in visits with dolphins and seals and an amazing array of birdlife and the stunning marine landscape of Port Stephens. This was the birth of Imagine Cruises Port Stephens.

Today Imagine Cruises conducts 3 hour Whale and Dolphin Watch Cruises daily, weather permitting, from 1st June-31st October. Join us this season to witness our magnificent wintertime marine life less than 2 hours from the Central Coast.

Ph. 02 4984 9000 | Email: management@imaginecruises.com.au

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