Medicine Man

Secrets to Health and Happiness
In the blockbuster movie, The Matrix, the hero of the story, Neo, chooses the ‘red pill’ over the ‘blue pill’ because it enables him to see the hidden reality of the world around him that others cannot see. In similar fashion, Medicine Man confronts the reader with such a radically new perspective on health and healing that you will never think about sickness and disease the same way again.
Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from the world’s premier Traditional-Medicine systems, a lifetime experience as a health professional, and a generous helping of common sense, Medicine Man takes the reader on a fascinating journey that offers a unique perspective on why chronic diseases are at an all-time high, why heart disease and cancer are still our biggest killers, and what you can do to ensure you don’t become another tragic statistic.
Using an easy-to-understand conversational style, the author compresses a lifetime of discovery and experience into a highly-practical handbook that will equip you to pursue a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
If there is one book you owe it to yourself to read this year; one book that will see you ‘red pill’ your way to health and healing, it’s Medicine Man.
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